JFC2500 AD
About the JFC2500 AD
The optimal solution for storage and distribution of AdBlue is the JFC AdBlue range of tanks. Our HDPE tanks are designed to withstand corrosion and all weather conditions.
With our bunded tank option we can offer an insulated inner tank with Automatically Controlled Heating & Cooling system. This makes the JFC AdBlue tanks perfect for storing AdBlue in countries where extreme weather conditions exist.
All parts and fittings of the distribution system used in the JFC AdBlue tanks are chemical resistant, providing a long term and safe storage solution for many years.
* Membrane/Submersible pump 40 l/min
* Delivery hose 3/4”, 6m length,
* Automatic nozzle
* Electronic flow meter K24 AdBlue
Why Choose the JFC2500 AD
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